Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I am reading Frankenstien by Mary Shelly. I did not choose this book, my school work did. I do think its weird that I started it during the Halloween season...oh well. It's not a bad book actually. How it's linked to Halloween when it has nothing to do with that holiday, I will never understand.
     I am making more little animals for my friends shop. The snowman head is going to be a Christmas tree ornament. I am going to make it a set of four. It will be awesome. Both of these little creations are my designs. I think I did rather well. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Tomato Basil Soup

I don't know why, but I've always linked soups with lunch. Sometimes, on a cold winter day, it's nice to cuddle on your couch with a bowl of soup in your lap (or t.v tray if you don't like the hot liquid to spill all over you). My favorite way to eat it, is for lunch. Depending on the soup it can be a nice light lunch, and heavier soups can be for supper. Either way this tomato soup recipe I found on All Recipes is AMAZING!
     So lets get started.

     So, first, you are going to need 2 28oz cans of crushed tomatoes. Any kind of crushed tomatoes is fine. Mix that with 2 cups of chicken broth. Bring that up to a nice boil, turn the heat down, and let it simmer for about ten minutes.

     In this bowl I have mixed 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 1 1/2 tablespoons of dried basil. The original recipe called for fresh basil, but the dried worked just fine. 

          After the tomato broth has finished simmering, add the sugar and basil.

     Go ahead and give it a quick stir.

     Next, measure 1 cup of whipping cream. 

     Add the cream and stir.

     The original recipe calls for 1/2 cup butter, but we felt like that was too much, so I added 5 tablespoons. You can actually add 1/2 a stick of butter, but this was sitting in the fridge, and I didn't want to cut off the extra tablespoon. It came out great anyway.

     Add the butter to the pot.

     Stir the pot, and turn the pot down to low. Let the butter melt slowly, giving it a stir now and then, and when the butter is melted you are done.

     You can eat the soup as is, or you can serve it with grilled cheese sandwiches. When we ate it today, I made homemade bread to go along with the soup. You can serve it with a salad as well.

Tomato Basil Soup
Servings: 9

2 28oz cans crushed tomatoes
2 cups chicken broth
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 1/2 Tablespoons dried basil
1 cup whipping cream
5 Tablespoons butter

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

More Socks

I actually haven't even started my book yet. I am supposed to read The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain. I have another book of his and liked it, so we will see if I like this one.
     I have started another pair of socks. Yes, socks. My grandmother wanted a pair, so I am making them for her. I am trying the magic loop method, toe up. Just wanted to try something new.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Yarn Along

I am reading The Twits by Roald Dahl. My mom likes to collect Roald Dahl books so, when I have nothing to read, I pick up one of his books and read. I don't really understand where he got his inspiration from, because his books are a little weird. I guess that is what makes them so fun to read.
     I am finishing up my second sock. I have to hurry up and finish them since a few people have asked me to make them a pair. With the next pair of socks I am going to try the magic loop method, and I even bought the needles for it.

Monday, August 19, 2013


My brain is fried right now, so, I will just be posting pictures and random thoughts.

A lot of people collect something. Whether it be stamps (though who in there right mind would collect stamps), rocks, or coins. I collect Nancy Drew books, the ones my great grandmother would read when she was young. The cover of the books are new, but the actual story is old. I own 19, but I am actually missing number 19, which stinks. As I collect them it gets harder and harder to find the ones I don't own. 

I know, I know. Taking pictures of pictures is really original, but I think the picture is cool anyway.

So, we started school last week. I was upset at first that we were starting so early, but when I saw all of my pretty, new books I went ahead and gave in. I get to plan my own schooling since I am in 10th grade (I am home-schooled by the way).

These are some bell-pepper coasters that I made. My mom did the green one. Aren't they pretty?

And last but not least, me taking a picture of myself.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Yarn Along

I am reading Ender's Game, and I never read science fiction. Like, ever. My dad and mom said it was good. I saw the upcoming movie trailer and it looked good so, I started it. I am loving every word.
     I went ahead and looked through my yarn collection (or stash as people are now calling it) and found some cool looking yarn to knit a shawl. My mom found me a simple shawl pattern for me to use and I cast on. The yarn is just some cheapy stuff, probably found at Hobby Lobby, but it's really soft and I am liking how it is turning out.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


So, we harvested some of our cucumbers, and let me tell you that they are good!

They are a little sweet and the skin is so thin, you don't even have to peel them. We haven't picked all of them, since some are still growing. 

You can't grow cucumbers without making pickles. That's my thinking anyway. So, that is exactly what we did.

We made two kinds of pickles, a few small jars of bread and butter, and one of dill. The bread and butter pickles were made last week,m and the dill were just made today. Really canning is quite easy, and you should not be intimidated by it. So, be adventurous and go make some pickles.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Finished Objects

     So I have been knitting, sewing, and crocheting lately and I finished some of my projects. I love to have a project finished so I can use it. I have two today, one is a knitted object, and one is a sewing object.

     The sewing object was the next one in the book I am using. In an earlier
post I talked about the book. As you can see here, the sewing project is a face mask. The face mask is the kind you put on before you go to bed. I should have finished this a long time ago, but I totally procrastinated and it took me weeks instead of a few days. I did finish it though, so that is a plus.  
     The knitted object is a cowl. 

    Here is the cowl on me. It is made from Madelinetosh DK weight yarn, and is 100% merino wool. Sadly, I don't know the colorway. I loved working with the yarn and want MORE, but it is kind of expensive. Sigh. The cowl came out really soft and it's comfortable.

     I love knitting and sewing and can't wait to start and finish more projects!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dickens and Socks

     I am reading Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens. I love Dickens. I read Oliver Twist in a few short days a few years ago, and loved it. I haven't gotten very far in Nicholas Nickleby, but I do like it. Dickens has such a descriptive way of writing that it makes me feel like I am really there. I love books like that. Keeps you reading. In fact, I will probably start reading as soon as I am done with this post.

     I went ahead and started another attempt at making socks, and so far it is going well. I love working with the thin yarn and small needles. The next time I make socks, I am going to use circular needles. I know you can do it I just don't know how...yet.

     I actually have a crochet project as well, but the sock is the one I am working on right at this moment. Guess I better figure out which one to finish first.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Yogurt Banana bread

     Most banana breads I have had were either dry or too sugary for my tastes. This recipe comes out moist with the perfect amount of bananas in it. I cannot tell you how good this recipe is. 
   So, put your apron on and get started.
   First, preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius).

    Mash up 2-3 bananas in a bowl. You can mash 2 large bananas or 3 little ones. They also have to be nice and ripe. Typically with lots of brown on the skin.

    Next, you are going to add 1/2 a cup of greek yogurt, or you can use sour cream. Make sure the greek yogurt is unsweetened.

     You're going to add 1 cup of sugar. 

     Next, add 2 eggs.

     Melt 1/2 cup of butter and pour into bowl.

     Then, add in a teaspoon of vanilla.

   Mix well.

     Next, add in 1 and 1/2 cups of all purpose flour. I forgot to take a picture of this, but add in 1/2 tsp. salt.

     Finally, add in 1 tsp baking soda. Mix it together one more time.

     Pour into greased 9" by 5" baking pan. Bake for 55 minutes and immediately take the loaves out and place them on a cooling rack.

Note: The recipe only makes one loaf but I happened to be making two when I was taking the pics.

     This is literally the best banana bread you will ever eat in your life. Trust me.

Yogurt Banana bread
serves 6-8 people

2-3 ripe bananas 
1/2 cup greek yogurt or sour cream
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla 
1 and a 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 salt

Friday, June 7, 2013



     Our cucumbers are doing great, I mean they are growing. What's awesome is that they are already blooming! That means cucumbers.

Those yellow flowers are the blooms, and that is where the cucumbers will grow

     I can't wait until they grow cucumbers. We have dill growing, too; so, I can make pickles. They will be the best pickles ever!

     The beefsteak tomatoes are doing pretty good. They weren't doing too well at first, but once we started watering the plants with the sprinkler, they grew taller.

These are the tomato blooms
     There are some baby tomato plants as well, but those aren't doing as well. There are two that are growing better, but they are still not as good as I hoped they would be. 
     The rest of the garden is almost the same as when we put them in the ground. We will just have to let them be until something happens.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tea and Scones

     It is a little odd to have hot tea in May, but I don't think scones would be very good with cold tea.
     Sometime last week my mom wanted to bake some type of scone, so, she looked up a recipe and I made them.

     These were Toasted Pecan Oatmeal Scones and they were delicious. We added the icing which was cream, vanilla, and powdered sugar. You don't have to do the icing.

     We just had green tea with our scones. If I hadn't had the scones I would have indulged in a richer tea. I thought it complemented the scones nicely.
     We are going to try and have tea, and some type of dessert, once a week.

     So go ahead. Make a pot of tea, some scones, and sit back and read a book. That sounds rather relaxing. I think I'll try that myself.