Monday, August 19, 2013


My brain is fried right now, so, I will just be posting pictures and random thoughts.

A lot of people collect something. Whether it be stamps (though who in there right mind would collect stamps), rocks, or coins. I collect Nancy Drew books, the ones my great grandmother would read when she was young. The cover of the books are new, but the actual story is old. I own 19, but I am actually missing number 19, which stinks. As I collect them it gets harder and harder to find the ones I don't own. 

I know, I know. Taking pictures of pictures is really original, but I think the picture is cool anyway.

So, we started school last week. I was upset at first that we were starting so early, but when I saw all of my pretty, new books I went ahead and gave in. I get to plan my own schooling since I am in 10th grade (I am home-schooled by the way).

These are some bell-pepper coasters that I made. My mom did the green one. Aren't they pretty?

And last but not least, me taking a picture of myself.

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