Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Yarn Along

I am reading Ender's Game, and I never read science fiction. Like, ever. My dad and mom said it was good. I saw the upcoming movie trailer and it looked good so, I started it. I am loving every word.
     I went ahead and looked through my yarn collection (or stash as people are now calling it) and found some cool looking yarn to knit a shawl. My mom found me a simple shawl pattern for me to use and I cast on. The yarn is just some cheapy stuff, probably found at Hobby Lobby, but it's really soft and I am liking how it is turning out.

1 comment:

  1. I was at Stitches Midwest last Friday and saw a skein of yarn for over $70. Crazy! Sometimes knitting with cheap yarns is just fine to me. I knit a toddler dress with Lion Brand Amazing and I really loved that yarn.
