Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dickens and Socks

     I am reading Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens. I love Dickens. I read Oliver Twist in a few short days a few years ago, and loved it. I haven't gotten very far in Nicholas Nickleby, but I do like it. Dickens has such a descriptive way of writing that it makes me feel like I am really there. I love books like that. Keeps you reading. In fact, I will probably start reading as soon as I am done with this post.

     I went ahead and started another attempt at making socks, and so far it is going well. I love working with the thin yarn and small needles. The next time I make socks, I am going to use circular needles. I know you can do it I just don't know how...yet.

     I actually have a crochet project as well, but the sock is the one I am working on right at this moment. Guess I better figure out which one to finish first.


  1. You can knit socks on circular needles using the magic loop technique which is far more easy than dpn's but I don't think the end product looks as neat (well in my case anyway).
    I haven't read much Dickens, I really need to get too it!

  2. lovely socks! I love small needles and yarn too...
