Tuesday, April 30, 2013


          Sorry for not posting. I was at my Grand-mom's waaaayyyyy down in south Texas. 

     I love going down there. It has a sense of nostalgia that I feel every time I go there. Maybe it's because her house is over forty years old, and she's been living there the whole time. I don't know.

     Sweet old Gatsby, he's about eleven years old. Wherever we explore or walk he is right beside us. You can tell he's getting on in years, he lays down any where.

     There is a big field right next to my Grandmother's property. We go and run in it every time we go. We go as far as our legs can carry us.

     Her old barn. My dad said that's where they used to raise their chickens. He raised them and brought them to the county fair, and would sell them for quite a lot of money. Now, the barn is just filled with junk, snakes, and probably rats, too. We never go in. You probably couldn't get in any way it's so jam packed with junk.

         It was a nice trip. We didn't do too much, but all in all it was rather relaxing...except for the part where I wouldn't go to bed until really late and our trips there and back were rather tiring. Other than that it was good.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds lovely. :) My grandparents house is like that. I love sitting in the basement surrounded by stacks of paper with my grandpa carefully turning through pages of old photographs of ancestors.
