Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Eggs and Gardening Tools

     Wow, I am exhausted from this weekend. For Easter, my mom's brother and sister came for the special event. Even though I am about to crash, I had a lot of fun. Laughing at each other's jokes, an amazing meal, and just being together really made the holiday special. 

     A lot of the weekend was spent at my mamaw's house. My dad plays the guitar. So, he put together an Easter sermon, and we all had church in my mamaw's living room. When we had the Easter egg hunt, obviously, I was too old for that, so I hid the eggs. Really it was more fun to watch the little kids grab the eggs and shove them in their basket. 

     Now what was so awesome about our Easters (hehehe) was that we got to swim! We live in Texas, and our papaw happens to have a pool in his backyard with a heating system. So, he heated up the pool, and we had a blast. Man, I love swimming.

All of our close cousins on my mom's side. Caleb can't really jump in yet so he wasn't in the pic.

     I wasn't the only one that enjoyed the pool. Mamaw's dog, Scout, had fun playing in the waterfalls at the end of the pool. He was barking and was so excited. He doesn't get out much.

     That pretty much sums up my holiday.
     Today I planted my garden. Well, I actually just planted most of my seeds in little pots so I can transplant them later. We are going to plant a square foot garden, which means raised beds. 

The plant that you see is some tomato plants Daddy wanted. 

     I can't wait to see what they look like when they grow up. This is my first garden, and I am anxious to see if it will work.

     All that excitement and hard work's made me thirsty. In Texas, a cold glass of sweet tea is the perfect choice.

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