Friday, April 19, 2013

Bread, Bricks, and Seedlings


     A couple of days ago we decided to go ahead and build our square foot frame for the garden. I recently read All New Square Foot Gardens by Mel Bartholomew. That means you grow from on top of the grass instead of in the ground. You even make your own soil mixture. Get the book if you plan on gardening successfully.
     Any way, we made ours from bricks that were leftover from building our house. Okay, just to be clear, we did not build our house, nor were we apart of it. We just rent it. Ahem. Sorry if that was unclear to you.
     Since we used the bricks, we didn't pay a thing for it. Cool, huh? 

Caleb pretending like the shovel is Thor's hammer and he can't pull it up. Boys.

     We actually made two 3'x3' frames and a short strip for our cucumbers. I will have to take pictures of them later.

These are the tomato plants.

     Most of our plants are doing well. The tomato plants are just sprouting like crazy. We are definitely not planting all of them.


     I also made, in my opinion, the best bread recipe ever. You should really check it out. Nothing like fresh bread straight out of the oven. 


1 comment:

  1. I actually laughed out loud LOL ;). The way you talk, I can just hear you--- keep it up, very,interesting- I look forward to your next yarn alongs--- hope I get a sincere following like you have -- so proud of you-- xxx. Mamaw
