Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Books, Books, Books

     I am reading two books right now. One is All New Square Foot Gardening. The other is Who Could That Be at This Hour. I absolutely LOVE my gardening book. I am actually starting a garden. My Mom had heard that this particular gardening book was really good, and she decided to get it for me. I am now itching to get my hands in the soil and transplant my tiny plants and seeds into the ground. So, if any of you decide to plant a garden, get this book. I am telling you, that this is THE book to get. Seriously.
     Enough about that book. The next book is written by Lemony Snicket. The reason I tell you the author's name is, because he has such a interesting way of writing that I caution you before you devote your valuable time to read his books. I have read most of his books, but there is a few I have not read but don't really care to read. If you plan on reading his books, expect a ton of questions but not a lot, if any, answers. Other than that he is a very good writer, and he keeps you reading. 
     Yes, I am still on the dog. I know, I know I need to finish it. I promise I will finish it by the next yarn along.


  1. But the dog is looking so cute. Take your time enjoy!
    Nice books. Have fun in your garden.
