Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Yarn Along

     I know, I didn't stop and think of a cool name for my yarn along today. I am really tired and am also pressed for time.
     I am reading Nicholas Nickleby, supposed to anyway. I started it and keep forgetting that I even have a book to read. You're probably wondering "Well, if she isn't reading or posting, what is she doing all day?". I have been doing nothing but knitting. It might sound good at first, but if you are knitting while watching t.v it starts to wane on your spirits. Really. 
     I am knitting a couple of projects but one is currently being revised, so I am knitting my cowl. I knitted this for several weeks just to go really far and mess up. I thought I was going to have to start over, but I was able to save it! Whoo,  what a relief. 
     I think I might pick up my book, pick up my embroidery, or practice my guitar. Basically, I just need a brake from knitting. 

1 comment:

  1. your cowl is lovely :) have fun reading the classic!!
