Monday, May 13, 2013


     I know I have not been posting in a while, but I've just been so busy that I forget about posting. So, I have conjured up all my best pictures I have taken.

     It took me forever to take this one. There was a lot of bees, and not wanting to get stung, I aimed my camera without looking in the lens. It took awhile, but I did it.

     This was taken in front of my Mamaw's house. Their rose bush is really blooming. 

     I thought this one was really cool. It was taken at a park and there was tons of these little red berries.

     All I did was look up a tree and snap the picture. It came out looking really cool.

       This cross was hanging over Mamaw's desk. It took a couple of times before I got the right shot.
     Taking pictures is nothing more than a hobby. Lots of other things pique my interest more than photography, but it is fun. 
     Now to take some more amazing pictures...

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