Friday, May 3, 2013

Baked Oatmeal

     Every one gets tired of plain old oatmeal for breakfast, right? Well, I can't remember when we had plain oatmeal last. There is no need when you have hot baked oatmeal. Trust me. When you make this, you'll never turn back.

   You are going to make this the night before you eat it. Then, in the morning, you pop it in the oven. Super simple.
   Let's get started.

     Measure 3 cups quick-cooking oats and put it in a large bowl. 

     There is no right way to put in the ingredients, I just throw every thing in and stir. Add in the wet ingredients and dry ingredients. 

     Then stir until all mixed up.

     Then, put it in a pie pan and smooth it out.

     After all that, top it with cinnamon, and brown sugar, and my secret ingredient...nutmeg. Just a little nutmeg goes a long way.

     Cover with foil/saran wrap and stick in the fridge over night.

     So, assuming you've gone to sleep and woken up, preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celcius). Cook for about 35 minutes.
     Now, bet you didn't know this, you are going to want to top the oatmeal with white sauce. It is super easy to make and really good. 
     You are going to make this while the oatmeal is cooking.

     Measure 1/2 cup sugar and 1 T corn starch. Set aside.

     Measure 1 cup milk and whisk it in to the sugar and corn starch mixture. 

     Add 2 T butter. Put it on the heat. Continue to cook it until thick and butter is melted and mixed in well. Once done add 1 tsp vanilla extract.

     By the time your sauce is cooked, your baked oatmeal should be done, that is if you timed it right.

We added raisins too but if you do that then you would add it in the oatmeal not the top.

     You're done! Trust me, this is THE way to eat oatmeal.

Baked Oatmeal

1/2 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup sugar 
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 tsp salt
1 T baking powder
3 cups cooking oats
1/2 to 1 cup raisins (optional)


sprinkle cinnamon, brown sugar, and a little nutmeg.

White Sauce

1/2 cup sugar
1 T corn starch 
1 cup milk
2 T butter
1 tsp vanilla

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