Monday, March 25, 2013

TOTEally Awesome

     At the moment, I am still learning how to sew. My mom knows some sewing, not enough to teach me though. To help me and her out with sewing, she bought a book for both of us to learn from. It is called Stitch By Stitch and is written by Deborah Moebes. She also has a website that you should check out called Whipstitch.


     On my first post I said I made a placemat. Well, since I am going through this book, I have finished my latest project... A TOTE BAG! Excuse my screaming. The awesome part is that it's reversible! It took me a whole weekend to finish, but I did it.

Here is the inside.

I love sewing!! Seriously, you have to try it. I know sewing is not for everybody, but don't say that until you try it. As soon as I finish my next project I will post about it.

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