Monday, March 18, 2013

Tea Anyone?

Alright, another post!
     Okay, there was one thing I forgot to mention about me in the last post...and that would be my love of TEA!!!! For the past eight months or so I have learned, and am still learning, how to make the perfect pot (or cup depending how many people want tea) of tea. I really don't know why I like it. Maybe it's because I love to watch British movies. I don't know.
Now I am not an expert, but I can definitely give you a couple of tips on where you can get good tea, how to drink it, and how to start, if of course you're  interested. 
     Now first of all you are going to need a tea kettle. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's a pot that you heat water with. When you fill it with water you boil the water, and when it whistles it is done. Then you pour the boiled water in the pot with the tea. Okay, some of you might have known that step but some people might not.  
                                            This is a tea kettle not a tea pot.
      Now you cannot start drinking (or making for that matter) tea without a proper tea set. You can, however, make it with a plain tea kettle and coffee mug, but umm how boring is that! But don't push it. You can totally start out with what you have and then buy a tea set.  As you can see here, the tea set does not have to match.
                             This tea set includes tea cup, tea pot, sugar bowl, and a creamer

     Last, but certainly not least, you're gonna need tea. You can buy tea almost anywhere. I have bought it at our grocery store and it tasted fine. That is probably where you want to start. The best tea, I find, for beginners is white tea. It is a very mild and soft tea that tastes pretty good. If you like tea then you can go on to different types and brands to see what you like best. My favorite tea so far was one that I bought at Barnes & Noble. They have lots of good quality tea for a pretty good price. You can also reuse tea bags and loose tea, so don't waste any of it. I have never seen loose tea anywhere except tea stores but look around. You might find something you like somewhere you least expect it.
                          These are both green teas and they are both good. The loose tea I got at 
                                        Teavana which is a specialty tea store. Specialty tea stores can get expensive 
                                                so make sure you like tea before you invest in expensive tea.

I hope you found this post helpful and that you will come to enjoy tea like I do!

                                         Thank you for reading!


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