Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pins and needles

Ok, so, this is my very first post! On this blog. I actually had one quite a few years ago when I was, like, eight or nine. It did not work out to well because I didn't know how to type. But now that I am older I can really keep this up.
     So now I am going to go on with the post. 
     I LOVE to sew, crochet, knit, cross stitch, cook, and bake(I guess that would classify as cooking but it makes it seem like I know more stuff).

 Hence the name Pins & Needles, Pots & Pans. I love saying that. Yes I came up with the name myself, no help was needed. So anyways, I can do all those things and I love doing them. I also love(yes there is more) singing, learning guitar, I also like violin but I don't know anyone who plays it, reading, and writing. 

     So yea I am a busy person. Well I have to pass the time since I finish school around noon. In your face kids that go to school!! Hehehehe. Just kidding(not really). 
     I have always home schooled, except one year I went to an international school. And that was only a hundred students or so. So it had more of a private school feel. But I never will go back. Home schooling from now on, till I graduate.

     Ok so now that you know a little about me I will get on to what I have been doing lately. 
     I am still learning how to sew, and a couple of days ago I finished my very first big project.
     It is a place mat. Open it has pockets that you can put stuff in and bring it with you. Once it was all finished I felt a sort of accomplishment that felt good. It was unlike something you feel after completing a level in a video game. And I can use the place mat in life, where after I am done with a video game I am like "what do I do now?"

Well I hope you liked my first post, and that you did not find it boring. I hope to post once or twice a week, so you will be hearing from me again soon. 


                                          Thank you for reading!


  1. That's neat! I've never been good at sewing things without easy instructions, haha. :) I love finishing a project too. Especially something that is useful. :)

    God bless,

  2. Hey that sounds so cool!! I hope your having fun!!

    LOVE & MISS,
    Madison :)

  3. Great Nicole :)
    I'll try to comment every time u post!
    good luck on your blog o_<
