Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yarn Along

        I am participating in a weekly link up where we write about what we read and knit or crochet.    
     A few weeks ago I decided to be adventurous and knit a pair of socks which is pretty hard compared to what I have knitted in the past. The last thing I was knitting was a scarf. Yea.
     I am pretty far, and I can't wait to see the finished product.
     I am reading one of my favorite series that I have not yet finished. The book I have is the first five books. Though you can probably see that in the picture. The one I am reading is On the Banks of Plum Creek. It's really good! I just love the pioneer times. Any book (well almost any) book I read that is in that time period I will read. It's got to be good though.


1 comment:

  1. I read the Little House books when I was young, but then read them all again last year. I had 2 friends tell me that Farmer Boy was their least favorite, but now that I grow some things, I found it pretty interesting. Wondering which will be your favorite... I knit 2 pair of socks and then 2 big stockings (they don't have to match!) I have more sock yarn, but I've had other things higher on the want list and socks have not come back up! Keep going!! And remember, unmatched socks are in style now!!
