Friday, March 29, 2013


     Because we are home schooled, we didn't do our spring break til this week. So, we went to a place near us called Old Town Spring. It is (I think) two streets with refurbished houses made into stores. 

     There was a toy store that my brothers liked, and later they bought something. It had puppets and toys and toys and toys. It was pretty cool.

     There were quite a few vintage stores that looked pretty cool. Boutiques were one of the dominate stores. I went in a couple but didn't really care for too many of them. There was an awesome candy store that we looked at and bought some candy. Sadly, I did not take any pictures of that store.

a really cool vintage bike that I had to take a picture of.

     My favorite store we went too was a few blocks away from Old Town Spring. It was a yarn store called Twisted Yarns. It was absolutely overwhelming. I just wanted to buy everything. My mom and I ended up buying each a ball of yarn to make something with.

This is just the sock yarn shelf. There was a LOT more.

Because of the way the yarn was twisted, we had to use a contraption to make it into a ball called a swift. It was pretty cool. I really want one, and yes, you can get one for your house.

     It was a tiring day, but it was really fun. Thankfully it is not far away so we can go again sometime.

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