Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dune and Pretzels

I was bored, and to the kitchen I fled. I haven't ever made homemade pretzels before, and I had everything for them. They turned out amazing! Way better than any pretzel vendor at the mall. Here is the recipe. 

I ate mine with mustard. Prior to my making them, Momma had made some caramel sauce for coffee, so I dipped my pretzel in the caramel.Oh my gosh, was it tasty.

I picked up a few books at the bookstore the other day. Dune, by Frank Herbert, was the one I decided to read first. It's considered a science fiction classic, and I am really enjoying it. It's definitely much calmer of a story than books I've read in the past, so it's a wonderful winding down book.

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