Monday, April 20, 2015

A Very Lengthy Update to Make Up for Procrastinating

A few weeks ago when our grandparents visited, we had a craw-fish boil

We've been pretty busy, but not enough to keep me from blogging. But let's see if I can make up for that, hmm? 

 Kat ended up having five little kittens. We weren't feeding her too much after all. In this picture they are only a day old. Aren't they precious? 

A few weeks ago, Tom here made himself our second cat. He's far more playful than Kat; when you pet him he bats you with his paws, and playful nips at your fingers. We don't know where these cats keep coming from, and nobody else seems too keen on taking them in. We're starting to attract more, which we are not happy about.  

About two weeks ago we transferred our chickens to their coop. They absolutely love the outdoors, and each time Caleb finds a worm, he rushes to feed it to them. They all end up chasing the chicken who got it first, hoping to steal it from her beak. 

"Say what?!"

We think all of the chickens are hens, but unfortunately the leghorns (the breed of chickens we have) are really hard to tell a pullet from a rooster. So we just have to wait till they are older to see if any of them crow. 

We planted, in pots, three cucumber plants. These are the same heirloom seeds we bought a few years ago, and they thrive in this hot humid air. We planted a few pots with tomatoes and jalapenos, but they are too small to take pictures of right now.

Last week, rain came down in torrents, and didn't let up till a few days ago. As you can see here, our backyard was completely flooded. The water came up to our ankles. Thankfully the chickens were on higher ground, and didn't even notice they were trapped on an island surrounded by rain water.  

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