Thursday, September 17, 2015

Completed Projects and Reading

I have been quite busy of late. I recently graduated from high school, and I am so relieved that I am finally finished. Since then, I have been into reading and knitting and even have a finished crochet project. 
I have been enjoying Lessons at Blackberry Inn by Karen Andreola. It is a fictional story based in the nineteen thirties, but the story is to encourage mothers on schooling their own children. I have been interested in homeschooling methods and such, partly because I myself have finished homeschooling. It never can hurt to learn such things, even before marriage and children, for having the proper mindset and education on educating can help me when I do. 

I have just started reading Ephesians, a book of the bible I intend on studying in depth. I didn't want to overwhelm myself on studying a long book in the bible, and I feel Ephesians is the perfect length to start practicing. I've only read one chapter, but I already know it will be chock full of lessons and convictions for me to apply to my every day life. 

A dear lady from our church has been crocheting pineapple shawls for the women in church. She hasn't made any for the younger girls, or given me one, so I took it upon myself to make one. I love the way it turned out, even though it has countless mistakes in it. I love wearing it all the time, as it's such a pretty shade of blue, with hints of green undertones. It reminds me of the ocean, and the colorway is called Sea Foam. 
I love having finished projects, don't you?

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