Monday, January 19, 2015


I can't believe it's been six months or more since I last posted. I've been so busy with life that I made excuses for not working harder. That, and in October we lost our camera, never to be found again. Sigh. Not to worry, I'm borrowing my grandmother's camera for now, so I can still post some nice pictures.

Life has been pretty hectic since I last posted, and I could never find something to write about. But this blog is supposed to be an outlet for me to share my thoughts about lessons I've learned, things I'm doing, and my life as a young Christian girl whose trying to serve the Lord. I no longer have writers block (hopefully), and my brain is brimming with all the things I can share. When I started this blog I would write pretty much anything that came to mind. Not such a good idea when you have a specific plan on what you wish to write. I'm hoping, now, to be an encouragement to girls my age, or even women who are older than me, about being the women God has called us to be. 

Now that I've established what I plan on doing with this piece of the internet, let me finish with what I've been up to lately. 

I've created a few New Year's goals instead of resolutions, in order for them to actually work for me for the rest of the year. One of which has been to only use my IPad once a week...for only ONE hour. Let me tell ya, it hasn't been that easy. I've slipped several times in my attempt to do more things than just stare at a screen, but that's why it's a goal. I'll just keep trying until I don't even think about my IPad any more. 

One hobby I've recently come to love is Pilates. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's a style of exercise that builds muscle without weights. I absolutely love it, and even though I didn't need to lose any weight, I've noticed I can do more physically than when I didn't exercise at all. Now to tackle my diet...

I hope to post regularly once or twice a week. I have so many ideas to share with ya'll and can't wait to get started! 

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