Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Instead of doing yarn along every Wednesday, I will interchange it every other week with the homemaking link up on Raising Homemakers. Basically, I will teach or share something about homemaking. 

"Take delight in the Lord, 
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him and he will do this: 
He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,
your vindication like the noonday sun"-Psalm 37:4-6 
This has recently become one of my favorite Bible verses of all time. I believe God has been speaking to me through this verse, and I wish to share with you.

For the past several months, I've noticed a change in my heart. Instead of delighting in the Lord, and looking forward to the future, I hardened my heart to God's calling for my life. I didn't do it on purpose. This shift in perspective came gradually over time. I didn't commit my way to the Lord and my reward certainly didn't shine like the dawn. I was watching my iPad too much, and I wasn't gaining knowledge of God's word.

Just the other night I really focused on the lyrics of a song I was listening to. I had told myself over and over again it didn't affect me, but my mind was polluted with feministic views, and a warped view on men. It didn't encourage me to Praise the Lord or look forward to a future with a husband and children. I had slowly morphed into a career crazed monster, and wanted a job right now so I could indulge in selfish desires. 

Don't fall for this trap! Your heart is naturally inclined to follow foolishness, unless you fight it with God's word. Reflect on what you've been wanting lately. Are you delighting in God's presence? Or are you daydreaming on what YOU want, and not what God has for you? 

Desires are very strong and when we give into them, our righteousness will not shine, and our vindication will not be like the noonday sun. We must commit to the Lord's desires, not our own. Then we will have peace, and we will take delight in the good things God has prepared for us. 

I know I still have a lot to learn on this concept, but I hope this has helped you young girls to embrace being the opposite of what the world thinks women should be. Get rid of those worldly desires, and replace them with God's calling for your life.

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