Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Socks and Blackberry Inn

I finished blocking and weaving in ends to my socks, and I am pretty pleased with them. They would have matched almost exactly, but I added one too many rows on my second sock, messing up the stripes. Ah, well. They turned out nice any way. 

I am trying to finish reading Lessons at Blackberry Inn but I have been fairly busy with being graduated and all. I still find it very soothing to read, finding myself wishing I could live canning jars of tomatoes, and teaching my children. One day. 



  1. You would have to really look to notice the difference - I think they look fab!

  2. I didn't even notice. Had to go back and look at them after I read that they didn't exactly match. So I agree with Lucy's comment as I did have to really look to notice the difference! Wear them with pride as they look great.
