Friday, June 7, 2013



     Our cucumbers are doing great, I mean they are growing. What's awesome is that they are already blooming! That means cucumbers.

Those yellow flowers are the blooms, and that is where the cucumbers will grow

     I can't wait until they grow cucumbers. We have dill growing, too; so, I can make pickles. They will be the best pickles ever!

     The beefsteak tomatoes are doing pretty good. They weren't doing too well at first, but once we started watering the plants with the sprinkler, they grew taller.

These are the tomato blooms
     There are some baby tomato plants as well, but those aren't doing as well. There are two that are growing better, but they are still not as good as I hoped they would be. 
     The rest of the garden is almost the same as when we put them in the ground. We will just have to let them be until something happens.

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