Monday, March 9, 2015


Recently, and I mean only a couple days ago, we moved to rural southern Louisiana. My scenery for pictures will change, and I think it's for the better. The sudden move has hurt us, for we had to leave our beloved church and some family behind, but God works in mysterious ways. I just have to be patient when it comes to things I cannot see quite yet.

A roaring fire is perfect for the suddenly chilly weather we've received. I'm hoping that spring will come soon, for I am growing weary of the cold fronts. Being a southern girl prompts me to enjoy the warmer weather rather than the sting from the cold.

To the back of our two acres lies a still used railroad. I pray for safety every time I hear the rumbling locomotive simply out of fear. I don't really like being this close to the train tracks, but the sound of the vehicle is a bit soothing. 

I hope to go back to posting regularly, since the past few weeks I was packing and didn't have internet. Recipes will be coming back, and I hope to share more of the culture that now surrounds me.

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