Thursday, February 20, 2014


Next week is my birthday. EEEK! I will be turning 16, and I can't wait.
     So, on Wednesday, my grandmother took me out to lunch and then Sephora to get some makeup. Since I'm turning 16, I am allowed to wear makeup. Also, I thought that it was good to wait awhile, until I cake my face with all kinds of products.

     For lunch we went to Shogun, where they have really good sushi. I wasn't a sushi fan for a long time, but some sushi I really like. We also got some fried rice, miso soup, and these little Japanese dumplings called Gyoza. It was all delicious. 

I would have taken more pictures of Sephora, but I was so absorbed in what I was looking at, that I forgot. Oops!
     I must have looked around at least an hour, but it could have been like twenty minutes for all I know. My grandmother let me pick out nearly anything I wanted. She is the most awesome grandmother EVER! I am so blessed.

I did not ask for any of this, but my grandmother insisted. I have really enjoyed playing around with all of my new stuff. I have been watching Youtube videos, to learn about all of the good products. I can't wait till I get to wear it when I go out!

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