Saturday, February 15, 2014


I was watching, out our open backdoor, my baby sister laughing at the wind that blew in her face. She loves the outdoors, taking every opportunity to go outside.
     We've had really nice weather the past couple of days. It's been sunny and windy, feeling really nice for February. It is Texas, so our winter does not last as long.

     Recently I taught Emmalynn how to play peekaboo. Randomly she'll put her hands over her face and wait for me to say "Where's the baby?".

      Then, she will lift up her hands and laugh when I cry, "There she is!"

     I have really been into creative writing lately. I love writing, hence the blog, but writing books and stuff has interested me for years. I currently have two projects I definitely want to finish, and one more that some friends and I are working on. 

     Writing for me is a way to escape the real world, creating stories and characters that make me want to write more. It's just like reading a book, you want to find out what happens next, but instead the story lies in your hands waiting to be finished. It's a wonderful experience. 

     A few weeks ago, I was really bored, so I poured out all of my brother's Legos out onto the flour and started building a set the boys had. I actually enjoyed it, so I kept building to create a small town. By then Josiah had started to help me, and Caleb "Helped". The two boys even bought some new Lego sets they were so into it.

     Our town is pretty impressive, bigger than I can show with my camera. We are very blessed to have all these toys at our disposal, and I have been trying to play with my brothers instead of watching Netflix all day.

     Now I think I'll go relax on my Saturday (or play Legos).


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