Saturday, March 8, 2014


I turned 16!! Well, last week anyway. I have been procrastinating and have not posted about my birthday.

I don't think I've ever had a store bought cake for my birthday. For a long time at least. 
     My cake was a chocolate cake, filled with strawberries and whipped cream. The icing was a strawberry butter cream, and finally topped off with chocolate ganache. It was amazing. I am salivating right now just thinking about it. My mom got the recipe from this pinterest pin.

I got a soap making kit for my birthday, and I made the soap. I will take pictures when its done curing and tell you how it turned out.

I've finally finished another sewing project! I was invited to a birthday party awhile back, and so I sewed her a little pencil case, or in this case (tee hee hee) a pen case. I wasn't able to fit any pencils in it, but pens fit nicely. There is something about a handmade gift that seems more touching than a gift bought at a store. It only took about a day to finish the whole project.

this is the inside.

Now that I am 16, I am hoping to get a job this summer. I have been accumulating a very large list of things I want, and the only thing standing in my way is money. We'll see how that goes.
     I am hoping to start more sewing/knitting projects and finish them, as well as posting more recipes. I have been on a writing kick lately, and I am hoping to post more often.
     Now I must go start my new book, while drinking a nice hot cup of tea.

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