Tuesday, July 16, 2013


So, we harvested some of our cucumbers, and let me tell you that they are good!

They are a little sweet and the skin is so thin, you don't even have to peel them. We haven't picked all of them, since some are still growing. 

You can't grow cucumbers without making pickles. That's my thinking anyway. So, that is exactly what we did.

We made two kinds of pickles, a few small jars of bread and butter, and one of dill. The bread and butter pickles were made last week,m and the dill were just made today. Really canning is quite easy, and you should not be intimidated by it. So, be adventurous and go make some pickles.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Finished Objects

     So I have been knitting, sewing, and crocheting lately and I finished some of my projects. I love to have a project finished so I can use it. I have two today, one is a knitted object, and one is a sewing object.

     The sewing object was the next one in the book I am using. In an earlier
post I talked about the book. As you can see here, the sewing project is a face mask. The face mask is the kind you put on before you go to bed. I should have finished this a long time ago, but I totally procrastinated and it took me weeks instead of a few days. I did finish it though, so that is a plus.  
     The knitted object is a cowl. 

    Here is the cowl on me. It is made from Madelinetosh DK weight yarn, and is 100% merino wool. Sadly, I don't know the colorway. I loved working with the yarn and want MORE, but it is kind of expensive. Sigh. The cowl came out really soft and it's comfortable.

     I love knitting and sewing and can't wait to start and finish more projects!