Thursday, June 26, 2014


     About a week ago, my grandmother wanted to take us to a local blackberry farm. My mother and baby sister couldn't come, but we bought lots of berries.

 At this farm we get to pick the berries ourselves. It was a pretty long walk from the entrance, but it was relaxing.
      The blackberries were huge, and tasted so sweet. Some of them were tart, but what can you do?

     We each carried our own bucket, except for my dad who wanted to help Caleb pick his batch of berries. My grandmother and Josiah were the ones who ended up with the most.

     I wasn't completely sure who was more excited, us children or my grandmother. We had a blast, and ended up with ten pounds of berries! My grandmother kept her four pounds she picked, so altogether we had about fourteen pounds.

     The day after we went was my little Josiah's birthday, and being the odd person he is, wanted a blackberry cobbler for his cake. Oh, he only wanted it to be made with his bucket of berries. 

     Sorry I don't have a picture of it cut open, but you can certainly take my word for it. It was amazing!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Waffles & Laundry

     Recently our dryer for our clothes broke down. Laundry is one of my chores so it really stinks.

     But, we were able to purchase some clothesline and clothespins, hanging it in the back yard. I think it's old fashioned, but in a good way. Nostalgic I guess. Lately though, it's been raining really hard, which counteracts the drying of the clothes.

      Several weeks ago we went to visit some family in Louisiana, and my aunt had an extra Japan plum sapling. I showed an interest in the tree, so she gave me the little tree. It's so cute, and really sturdy. I can't wait till it's big enough to plant.

     The other day we had waffles for dinner. I can never eat things normal like most people. I went ahead and decked it out with peanut butter, banana, a dusting of coco powder, and some syrup. It was so good. I'll have to share the full recipe with you really soon.